Timely intervention can cure clubfoot condition in children
Clubfoot condition has emerged as a major factor of disability among children, with 50,000 infants born with it in India every year.
Clubfoot is easily identifiable and curable given timely intervention, a large number of children with the condition in rural areas are rendered permanently disabled for want of access to timely cure and treatment.
Until recently many children with clubfoot were treated surgically, which is not only an expensive, but a less than fully satisfactory option due to relatively poor long-term results. Apparently, now a new method – The Ponseti Method — can correct the foot deformity in children in a more cost effective and efficient manner. Its relevance in low resource setting cannot be over estimated. The Ponseti method is now the standard of all National Clubfoot programmes across the globe.
More than 10 million persons in India with loco-motor disabilities.
Until two years ago, polio was a major cause of disability, there has not been a single case of paralytic poliomyelitis for the last two years. With the eradication of polio, it becomes logical to address the other causes of childhood disabilities; congenital clubfoot is one of them.
Help treat children with clubfoot